CIRCUIT Critical Forum
The CIRCUIT Critical Forum is a fortnightly discussion group for Wellington based artists with a working relationship to the moving image.
Information about events, exhibtions, workshops and more at Toi Pōneke.
The CIRCUIT Critical Forum is a fortnightly discussion group for Wellington based artists with a working relationship to the moving image.
Join a discussion on options for pathways to artists’ employment and past schemes. Sharing and networking across the arts, our mission: to empower artists to create work as part of Wellington City. Hosted by Toi Pōneke Arts Centre and Urban Dreams Monthly.
Director Sam Trubridge invites artists, audiences, and the creative community to give feedback on The Performance Arcade 2018 presentation, and participate in discussions around 2019. Find out how you can be involved, and what our plans are for this event in its ninth annual presentation. As part of our support and opportunities programme, Toi Pōneke sponsored office space for The Performance Arcade, 2018.
Join a discussion with Mayor Justin Lester on the issues facing artists who are living and working in Wellington.
Here's a link to the podcast recorded on the day, featuring Mayor Justin Lester and Sophie Jerram.
On the art of keeping in business: the realities of the business of being an independent artist. We introduce two artists, Sasha Copland and Kerry Ann Lee, who are both interested in working in a variety of different ways with the public and communities.
Working with other industries and groups - what is the potential for residences or having artists embedded in different spaces in the city? We welcome you bring your lunch and join us for networking, discussion, and a conversation with theatremaker Leo Gene Peters and artist Julian Priest.
An invitation to artists of all kinds to join for a BYO lunch. Guest speakers: Claire Mabey and Andrew Laking (Pirate & Queen) producers of Litcrawl and Lōemis on creating platforms across arts disciplines.