Morna Young, Playwright on Exchange
June - August 2018
Magnetic North, Playwrights' Studio, Scotland and Playmarket New Zealand are delighted to announce that playwright, theatre-maker, actor and musician Morna Young has been selected for the second year of an international exchange between the two countries.
Funded jointly by Creative Scotland and Creative New Zealand, the residency is the reciprocal stage of a playwright exchange between Scotland and New Zealand.
Morna will be hosted as a Playwright-in-Residence by BATS Theatre and Toi Põneke Arts Centre in Wellington, New Zealand. The companies will commission a full-length play from Morna and accommodate her for 12 weeks to write in their organisations. During the residency, Morna will also take part in Magnetic North’s first Rough Mix in New Zealand as well as a one-week writing residency at Strathean Retreat in Te Horo with Playmarket New Zealand.
Inspired by the traditions of Scottish and Mãori cultures, Morna’s play will be an exploration of our human connection to the elements, of landscape memory and emigrated culture. Following on from successful Scotland-wide tours of her plays Neverland and Netting, this opportunity will allow Morna to develop her writing through collaboration with international arts organisations and individuals. As Morna says, “In a time where borders and national identities are becoming trickier and more restrictive, the chance to embrace international exchange feels vital and poignant.”
The exchange builds on a hugely successful pilot in 2016, where New Zealand playwright Arthur Meek was Writer-in-Residence with Magnetic North. The resulting play, Erewhon, was subsequently co-produced by Magnetic North and Christchurch Festival in 2017.