AAAH2018 and Access Radio
Saturday 8
Saturday 15 September
10am - 1pm
Toi Pōneke HUB

What we have to say (is worth sharing with you) is a pop-up renegade radio station running as part of AAAH2018 festival programme. Hosted by AAAH2018, Wellington Access Radio and featuring Lynda Chanwai-Earle , this renegade radio station will run for two consecutive Saturdays (8 and 15 September) before the Hui at Toi Pōneke Art Centre in Central Wellington.
We invite you and your community to come for morning tea, share stories and have candid conversations about cross-cultural encounters in the arts in Aotearoa.
• What’s the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you?
• How do you sustain your creative practice?
• Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it yet?!
Following the 'share as much or as little as you like' approach, come along as a live listener or contribute to recorded group conversations or one-on-one interviews. All welcome and any involvement (either recorded or non-recorded) will be appreciated.
Recordings from each Saturday session will be edited and produced into a 2-part radio series that will be broadcasted on Wellington Access Radio 106.1FM at 5-7pm on Tuesday 11 September and at 5-7pm on Tuesday 18 September.
NOTE: Conversations will be in English but all languages welcome, so please bring someone along to translate if you need.
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- Tagged now, event, radioshow