Panel Discussion
Thursday 15 April
6 - 7:30pm
Toi Pōneke Gallery
Thermofiltration (biomass) 2019 by Clayton Morgan
With photographers Wayne Barrar and Clayton Morgan, and academics Dr Sy Taffel and Dr Nicolas Holm.
This discussion centered around photography in the age of the Anthropocene will consider the role of the photographer in our climate crisis.
What position do these photographers and academics take?
Join us for a pertinent and facscinating discussion around ecology, utopia, dystopia and how we imagine our futures.
Clayton Morgan’s photographs consider possible utopian and dystopian futures, imagining and anticipating what might be to come. He is a recent graduate of Whiti o Rehua School of Art, Massey University.
Wayne Barrar’s photography centres on the intersection of nature and culture. His projects consider the contemporary landscape and its modification and the way in which people interact with and re-define nature. Currently Associate Professor, Whiti o Rehua School of Art, Massey University, Wellington.
Dr Sy Taffel is a Senior Lecturer in Media Studies and Co-director of the Political Ecology Research Centre at Massey University. He is the author of Digital Media Ecologies (2019) and a co-editor of Ecological Entanglements in the Anthropocene (2016).
Dr Nicholas Holm is a Senior Lecturer in Media Studies at Massey University. His research is dedicated to explaining the importance of overlooked and sometimes unloved aspects of everyday life like advertising, vermin and humour. He is a co-editor of Ecological Entanglements in the Anthropocene (2016).