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Gentle ribbing

Turumeke Harrington

17 October – 7 November

Te Āwhiowhio, Auckland.

Te Āwhiowhio, Auckland.


Turumeke Harrington’s new exhibition Gentle ribbing is a birth, a coming into being with a lifetime ahead. The exhibition of sculpture and major installation features a huge, brightly coloured quilt. Much like birth itself, the quilt represents hours of labour, boredom, procrastination and a triumphant finish. Harrington divides the gallery space to reflect her interpretation of birth in Māori cosmognony.

Turumeke Harrington is a Ngāi Tahu artist based in Pōneke Wellington, living with her daughter and partner. She has a background in industrial design and fine arts. An interest in whakapapa, space, colour and material sees her creating large sculptural installations at the intersection of art and design.


other exhibitions

see other past exhibitions in the gallery archive

Later Event: 3 November
Puppet Making