Ted Whitaker
22 August – 12 September

Oceans turn to goo is an exhibition of photography and sculpture by artist Ted Whitaker, based on physiological mutations that are common with surfers.
Utilising materials such as neoprene and surf wax, this exhibition challenges the idea of a surfing sub-culture and investigates its relationship to a post-humanist future.
Through mapping the surfer’s body and the surrounding cultural and geographical environments, this exhibition opens up discussion around the implications of technology, and how it shapes both lived experience and physiological realities.
Ted Whitaker is an artist from Ōtepoti Dunedin, based in Pōneke Wellington. He has a Masters of Fine Art from Dunedin School of Art. Whitaker has exhibited widely throughout New Zealand, and in Beijing, Australia, Czech Republic and Scotland.
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- Posted in exhibition
- Tagged photography, sculpture, exhibition, art, 2020