Mindless Meander – A Quilting Workshop
A relaxing class of meditative slow stitching whilst learning about the health benefits of creativity. Create a small improv quilt by hand and learn some big stitch hand quilting.
Information about events, exhibtions, workshops and more at Toi Pōneke.
A relaxing class of meditative slow stitching whilst learning about the health benefits of creativity. Create a small improv quilt by hand and learn some big stitch hand quilting.
Come and learn a technique for hand stitching onto wool or linen to express your protest thoughts. Katherine and Philippa will show you how to embroider with embroidery threads to get your ideas across. Techniques for marking designs, sewing and washing will be taught. You will come away with a new technique, new ideas and hopefully inspiration!
Hannah Schickedanz uses diverse natural fibres in her sculptural work, which then provide reference material for her paintings. Join her to learn the art of twined and woven basket-making, using grasses, harakeke and other foraged materials. You'll take home a small basket and a useful skill, enabling you to create baskets from any number of fibres found in nature.
Sit with us in wānanga as we carefully weave stars with Gaza in our minds.
Come and meet the artist – Daniel Worth in the gallery. Daniel will invite you to make a rubbing of the stone carvings in his exhibition. You can then choose to display these in the gallery or take them home.
Artist Keri-Mei will be hosting a making workshop where friends and whanau can come in, have a little kai and a cup of tea while making pendants or earrings out of shells, beads, polymer clay and other materials.
Join artist Alison Leauanae as she teaches you her own technique of hand-stitching designs onto paper. In this workshop participants will draw simple motif or use a template that they can stitch onto a selection of papers.
Join the artist Selene Simcox to experience ‘Mess’ painting. As it sounds, this is a workshop all about painting messily. Selene’s workshop is designed to inspire your creativity, invoke your inner child to have fun and be in a safe space to let your creativity fly.
In this workshop you will work with writer Holly Walker to create some short personal narratives telling stories of your life. In the second part of the workshop, you’ll work with visual artist Amanda Smith to reduce this story down to its basic parts, a “title”, from which to make abstract or simplified images.
Over this 2 hour workshop, using family photos as source material, the artist Connah Podmore will help you to draw out a feeling and strip-back content to create a simple but evocative charcoal drawing.
Join the artist Elisabeth Vullings to create a layered compositional drawing using tracing paper and architectural templates.
Join the artist Selene Simcox to experience ‘Mess’ painting. As it sounds, this is a workshop all about painting messily. Selene’s workshop is designed to inspire your creativity, invoke your inner child to have fun and be in a safe space to let your creativity fly.
This workshop will touch on the basics of patterns and colours used in both Korean and Maori traditional art and design, and the myths and symbolism associated with them.
This workshop will be an introduction to patchwork Bojagi, traditional Korean patchwork wrapping cloths, showing how to connect pieces of fabric to create something for household use with hand sewing techniques
Artists Matt Tini, Maija Stephens, Renati Waaka, and Elena Rei will be leading this workshop on working with harakeke, exploring processes of dyeing, paper making and raranga.
Any level of ability is welcome, especially newcomers as this workshop has been designed for beginners.
Create your own statement work of art by stitching a favourite phrase or poem on vintage linen. All linen, thread and supplies provided. A variety of simple stitches will be taught so that you can create your own original work.
Free drop-in style family workshop making carboard/ paper cut outs of people, clothes, food and/ or lines of poetry. Children and families can then play with these in the gallery on a large interactive lightbox or make a poster to take home. All materials provided. Bring your whānau.
This wānanga is open to tangata whenua who have an interest in working with harakeke through dyeing, paper making and raranga. We welcome any level of ability, especially newcomers as this wānanga has been designed for beginners.
Join Aperahama Hurihanganui from Engaging Well for this unique Te Tiriti o Waitangi workshop.
Learn how to find grants and ace your grants writing skills to increase your chances of success.
Join us for this special team and confidence building session where the roles are reversed!
Use mindfulness and considered abstract drawing techniques to produce drawings with fresh insights and self-discovery.
Tackle the blank page in a Speed Drawing workshop with Rosa Allison.
In this workshop, we will talk and learn about the history of quilting and patchwork and the materials used in their creation. All materials provided, though participants are encouraged to bring in a piece of fabric or textile of their own to include in their work.
Gain an understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi to work effectively within your community. In this workshop, you will gain an appreciation of the context, intentions and on- going significance of the treaty. These workshops are designed for our creative community as a professional development opportunity.
In this workshop artist Bailee Lobb will guide participants through the process of creating beautiful patterns on fabric using Shibori folding techniques. Shibori dying originates in Japan, and uses specific folding methods, along with tying, and clamping to create patterned cloth.
Come and give this free workshop a go. Learn how to make your own electronic business card.
Interested in Indian style dance or wanting to try a new fun dance style?
Come along to our free Open Day workshop and learn how to Kathak dance.
Learn the basics of body painting in this one off beginners workshop. Explore different techniques to paint yourself or your friends for fun.
Come and give this free workshop a go. Get some great tips on acrylic painting from our in house art tutor Stephanie Woodman.
Join in on a fun and accessible Dance and Improv class run by Toi Pōneke’s resident Dance Company - Java Dance Theatre.